Official statistics
We were interested in how much the official data differ from the real situation. For comparison - first, Rosstat information.
Rosstat claims that on average Russians are looking for work for 6.9 months. At the same time, they most quickly find work in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - in 3.2 months. In Moscow, you can find work in 5.1 months.
The ROMIR research holding surveyed Russians in the fall of 2018 and found that 65% of Russians prefer to look for work through family, friends or relatives. 24% use social networks, 18% go to employment centers.
What is the result
In total, about 2000 people from different regions of Russia took part in the study.
According to the results of the survey, we received the following answers.
How many months have you been looking for / looking for work
- Almost 30% of respondents said that it took them more than 10 months to find a job
- 28% of Russians were more fortunate - they found work in 2-4 months
- 17% of the lucky fell within 1 month
- 14% looked for work from 4 to 6 months
- 11% spent from 6 to 10 months searching for work
How do you look for vacancies
Most users are looking for work on the Internet (85%). Almost 10% themselves send out or post resumes to the companies they are interested in. Only 3% of respondents resort to the help of acquaintances and friends. Least of all job seekers (2%) are looking for job ads in newspapers or at the entrance.
Have you contacted the employment service
It turned out that the Russians do not really believe in the effectiveness of the employment service. 59% did not apply to the Employment Center. 41% of respondents went through an employment service.
It takes 4 months or more to look for work. Mostly Russians prefer to look for vacancies on the Internet. The Employment Center is contacted as a last resort.
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